We have found the Seni products to be even better than we had hoped. The female incontinence products are perfectly shaped. The Sisters have commented on how comfortable they are to wear and durable in their construction. We have never had a product with the wicking ability as the Seni products have. The amount of absorbency without separation, disintegration, and feel of dryness has not been replicated by any product. Thus, we have been able to reduce the usage of incontinence products, based on a per Sister utilization, by 30%.
The material used in the construction of the Seni products is perfect for maintaining skin integrity. The breathable material eliminates the "heat" factor, which destroys skin integrity and is the cause of skin break down. We have several Sisters with highly sensitive skin and have had no reaction, loss of skin integrity, inflammation, or irritation from the Seni products. The absorption process leaves the material next to the skin dry. We have a high standard for our Sister's skin integrity and the Seni products assist us in meeting our standard.
Due to the exceptional materials and construction of the Seni products, our Sisters enjoy and thrive because of uninterrupted sleep. No longer is it necessary to change incontinence pads every 3 hours during the night. We do not have pressure ulcers, skin breakdown, rashes, or areas of irritation. We have excellent skin integrity on our happy Sisters.
To correlate a sense of well being with incontinence products is the most important focus of our work. It is imperative to have incontinence needs met a way that preserves dignity, is comfortable to wear, and durable in use; Seni products accomplish these goals for our Sisters.
Jean H. RN, BSN-C, Director of Healthcare