Constant exposure to urine, higher temperature inside the brief, and remaining in one position for a long time may quickly lead to skin irritation.
For people with limited mobility, especially those who are bedridden, skin should be constantly monitored and observed. Skin irritation may lead to dangerous chafes and bedsores.
Chafing | Bedsore |
Chafing happens when a substance or material rubs against the skin or when folds of the skin stick to each other for a prolonged period, causing unpleasant irritation. Elevated temperature, moisture such as urine or sweat, and blocked air supply make chafing happen faster. |
Bedsores are ulcers or open wounds (typically preceded by redness) which are caused by prolonged pressure resulting in the loss of blood flow to an area of the skin. Bedsores (also known as decubitus ulcers or pressure sores) can affect all layers of the skin from the epidermis to the hypodermis, even down to the bone in advanced stages. |
What to keep in mind
For people who use absorbent products to manage incontinence, preventive treatment against bedsores is crucial. This is especially important if the person is bedridden.
Learn more about bedsore preventive treatment here.
For people with limited mobility, especially those who are bedridden, skin should be constantly monitored and observed. Skin irritation may lead to dangerous chafes and bedsores.
Chafing | Bedsore |
Chafing happens when a substance or material rubs against the skin or when folds of the skin stick to each other for a prolonged period, causing unpleasant irritation. Elevated temperature, moisture such as urine or sweat, and blocked air supply make chafing happen faster. |
Bedsores are ulcers or open wounds (typically preceded by redness) which are caused by prolonged pressure resulting in the loss of blood flow to an area of the skin. Bedsores (also known as decubitus ulcers or pressure sores) can affect all layers of the skin from the epidermis to the hypodermis, even down to the bone in advanced stages |
What to keep in mind?
Employing bedsore preventive treatment is crucial in the case of people who use absorbent products to manage their urinary/fecal incontinence – it is really important if the person is bedridden. Skin care and observation of its condition play a crucial role.
Learn more about bedsore preventive treatment here.
A well-chosen product means both the patient's comfort and less risk of serious pressure sores, as well as less work for the caregiver. Choose a product with our help.
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That is why, we created a simple tool called "Diagnostics".