Urinary incontinence effects as much as 30% of all pregnant women. Learn more about this condition and read our advice.
Menopause (the climacteric, the change of life) is a natural event that happens to every woman. It marks the end of menstruation, which happens because the ovaries stop producing the hormones estrogen and progesterone.
Constant exposure to urine, higher temperature inside the brief, and remaining in one position for a long time may quickly lead to skin irritation.
The best way to manage incontinence is to take it step by step. Some actions that seem small or insignificant, may be extremely helpful
People with incontinence often brush off their problem or are so embarrassed they keep it a secret from their doctor or relatives.
The specially created formula of each product ensures excellent performance when used on dry, delicate skin in need of specialized care.
A well-chosen product means both the patient's comfort and less risk of serious pressure sores, as well as less work for the caregiver. Choose a product with our help.
Choose productChoosing the right product is very important.
That is why, we created a simple tool called "Diagnostics".