You don’t have to use the most absorbent product at all times. Proper product choice can help you use only the products you actually need, saving you money.
A human being lives according to an internal clock. Even when observing a very unorganized individual, you can start to find daily patterns. These include actions such as taking care of one’s physiological needs like going to the bathroom. Urine production is constant, but increases when a person takes fluids; this happens mostly during the day. At night, when the body is resting, urine production decreases. Since the extent of urine production varies during night and day, you can take advantage of this fact when choosing absorbent products.
Through careful observation, one can reveal a certain pattern of characteristics. The pattern is more obvious when a patient follows a certain daily routine.
The observations can be noted in a urinary diary, which will help to show when a person needs a more absorbent product. A urinary diary helps to work out ways to choose different absorbencies at different times. This is a simple task, yet it makes it possible to reduce the amount spent on absorbent products and laundry.
Everyone needs to work out an individual system of choosing different levels of absorbency. These examples may be a useful way to start:
Choosing different absorbencies for different times is worth the effort. Thanks to proper product assessment, it is possible to reduce expenses and save up to 20%
A well-chosen product means both the patient's comfort and less risk of serious pressure sores, as well as less work for the caregiver. Choose a product with our help.
Choose productChoosing the right product is very important.
That is why, we created a simple tool called "Diagnostics".