
Look after yourself

When a loved one becomes ill, there is a lot of change in store for all of the people helping to look after that person. Providing care takes a lot of energy as well as physical and mental strength. It can often be a financial strain as well. 

The center of attention is the loved one requiring care, whose condition may progress slowly or even get worse with time. It is obvious that this person suffers and experiences physical pain, helplessness, and emotional dilemmas. However, one needs to remember that the situation also affects the caregivers as well. 

A loved one’s condition affects those close to them in two ways:

In order to find the strength to maintain a positive attitude, it is crucial to not forget about yourself. To support your loved one, you must stay healthy and strong. You do not want to find yourself in a situation where lack of motivation, fatigue, or the inability to handle your loved one’s emotions makes you feel that providing care is an impossible and unbearable task. 

How can you manage your feelings and find positive aspects to looking after your loved one? Read the information in the Healthy Emotions section. Here you can find some advice on looking after your loved one.


Bedwetting - what can it mean?

Bedwetting - what can it mean?

Nocturnal enuresis, commonly known as bedwetting, is when a child that can control their bladder during the day experiences involuntary urination while asleep. 

Hygiene of a bedridden person

Hygiene of a bedridden person

Here’s some advice on how to take care of a bedridden person’s personal hygiene.


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A well-chosen product means both the patient's comfort and less risk of serious pressure sores, as well as less work for the caregiver. Choose a product with our help.

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That is why, we created a simple tool called "Diagnostics".

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